Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Hey guys, Its been ages seen I've posted. I seem to have to start every post with an apology.
So .. What's been going on in my hair world. I would love to come tell you that its great and my hair is growing like a weed, but that would be far from the truth. When Mide and I started this blog I thought it would be a great way to inspire my fellow Nigerian, African and Black woman. And while I still want this blog to be a source of inspiration, I don't think it would be right to only let you guys see the good times. This blog is about our hair journey, the good the bad and the ugly. And this post is just that ... the ugly!
So just what would make me call this an ugly hair period... my hair is falling apart! Over that last 6wks I have been going through so much stress at work that I haven't been able to do a thing to my hair. No steaming, pre-pooing, moisturising. . Nothing! The result . Is dry frizzy hair that's breaking. And to add insult to injury, I flat-ironed my hair on Saturday :'(
I haven't been able to do anything with my hair but put it in a ponytail for this whole period.
So just what am I going to do about this. Well over the next three weeks I'm going to take an aggressive stance with my hair in hopes of getting it to its proper state. Here's what I'm doing:

  • Deep Condition and Steam: As soon as possible I'm going to run to the salon and do a proper steam session. Hopefully this will help put back in some of the lost moisture. Im still trying to find the perfect conditioner, so if you have any ideas please share in the comments!
  • Trim / Chop: During this bad period the dryness and heat have caused me to have some serious split ends. These have to go! Split ends may give the illusion of length, but in the end they do more harm than good.
    Split ends cause hair to split along the shaft causing the hair to split and break. And just like a partially broken nail .. The only solution is to cut off the damaged bit and grow the rest out.
  • Protective Style: My hair is going to need to be hidden from the world while it recovers from the horrid things I've been doing to it. While I haven't figured out what this should be yet, its something that needs to be done. So stay tuned to know what it is.
  • Vitamins and Water: I hate taking pills, so God knows this is going to be a hard one. I've been reading up and trying to figure out what would be the best regimen for me. I'll do a post when I decide so be sure to subscribe to get the recommendations
  • Get back on the regimen!!!Thia is perhaps the most important. Alot of people think when they fail it's time to give up. And for a while I was thinkung about it too. But then I realised that I actually really want great hair and I don't want to let you guys down. So as they say "Onwards ever, Backwards NEVER!!!

I hope I can stick by this new regimen, I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes!
Make sure you subscribe to get all the latest updates! I'll be posting my vitamin regimen and my protective style of choice!
As always. .. Let's grow Naija Hair!